Exceptional Student Services at Lincoln High School

Special Education

9th Grade students who are in the MI or MIA program will begin Monday, August 19th. Questions? Please Contact 720-423-5001 or email AskALancer@Dpsk12.org

Abraham Lincoln High School supports the needs of diverse learners. Special Education is committed to providing a quality educational experience based on the individual needs of each child. Special education services provide specialized instruction for students to minimize the impact of their disability through a continuum of services, ranging from services provided in a general education classroom to fully contained classroom settings.

In addition to special education teachers, students with disabilities may receive supports from paraprofessionals, nurses, school psychologists, social workers, speech therapists and physical therapists. The goal of special education is to provide services that allow students with disabilities to acquire the skills to pursue independent living and post-secondary readiness.

At Abraham Lincoln High School, we have a variety of placement options for students within special education including mild/moderate, a Multi-Intensive (MI) center-based program


ACEConnect is a support program that prepares students with disabilities by ensuring that they are post-secondary workforce-ready. Students may choose to enter any industry, and ACEConnect helps them to build the soft skills that align with their career choice.

At Abraham Lincoln High School The Butterfly Coffee Shop operates during the Lancer Family period offering, Coffee, & Tea. for students and staff.

ACEConnect is a program of both CareerConnect and Student Equity & Opportunity.