There is no school Friday, February 14 due to Teachers Planning Day and no school Monday, February 17 due to President’s Day. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 18th.
No habrá clases el viernes 14 de febrero debido al Día de planificación de los maestros y no habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero debido al Día del presidente. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes.
Ngày mai thứ sáu, ngày 14 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày lập kế hoạch của giáo viên và thứ hai, ngày 17 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày của Tổng thống. Học sinh sẽ trở lại trường vào thứ ba.

Literary Journal of ALHS!

The CE Creative writing class has published its third edition of the literary journal this year. The inspiration for the new title “Thought of the Heart” was inspired by Essence Morris. Featured in the issue are poems filled with personification and short stories. Aariana Martinez wrote about a bond between a soldier and a German Shepherd. Hieu wrote a WW2 story. Anahi’s story of a single mother’s struggles is REAL, and hopefully you can stomach Van’s scooter accident story. There are blurbs about spring celebrations such as Ramadan and Holi! There are pictures of Spring Cherry Blossoms from Vietnam and information about what happens at Chichen-itza in Yucatan, Mexico in March. There is so much to celebrate, so pick up and read a copy of the literary journal in your English classes or the library. You can also pick up your own copy in room 216.

№ 2 second Semester and Final edition

Thoughts of the Heart

Click here to read No2 Second Semester Final Edition

What a great year to be a writer at Lincoln!  Congrats to all who were published in semester 1 and 2, and in this last literary journal, we celebrate the great energy that creative writers in semester two brought to class each day!  From their presenting to National Park rangers to being in the Pitch It! contest, these writers brought a lot of creativity and new ideas to the Concurrent Enrollment creative writing course!  It’s been a pleasure to see you all grow and develop your writing voice.  Hopefully, many more of you will be inspired to join the creative writing program next year.  In this edition, we hope you enjoy ‘found’ fantasy poems, dystopian news articles and lots and lots of poetry. Have a great summer, and log all those ideas for new stories! ‘Can’t wait to see you right back here next year-Mrs. K

Spring Edition 2023

Thoughts of the Heart

Click here to view the Spring edition

Our creative writing class has been writing some great pieces for our new spring issue!  For this new semester, a title was chosen and voted on…and Essence’s title was the winner!  Georgia’s and Valeria’s titles were in a close second place.  We all hope you enjoy the new voices from this semester.  These writers really stepped outside the box and showcase a lot of new talent and fresh perspectives!  Included in this issue are their poems, stories, and information from the PITCH IT essay contest entries.  Also, included in this issue are informative blurbs about various religious holidays and spring celebrations from around the world.  Will you catch the creative writing bug after reading this issue?  This semester’s writer’s make it look so easy!  Nice work, writers!     -Mrs. Kaufman

Holiday Edition 2022

Happy Holidays from the Concurrent Enrollment Creative Writing Class! 

Click her to view Holiday Edition

In this second issue, we’d like to highlight some new writing done in the  creative writing concurrent enrollment class; we think you will enjoy this holiday edition!    In this feature, you will find: Haikus inspired by science fiction topics, free-verse poetry, short “spooky” stories, comics, and dystopian works.  We also had teachers support us in this issue by sharing their poetry and art! This is a very creative issue to wrap up the semester, and we hope it inspires you to sign up for this class in the spring.  You’ll have fun and get college credit as a bonus!  See you in 2023!  -Mrs. Kaufman

On Nov 9, three students attended the ARI FOLMAN movie presentation of “Where’s Anne Frank” at the Jewish Community Center (JCC).  DU’s Selena Naumoff gave the ALHS library a copy of Folman’s first book, a graphic novel of Anne Frank’s life. 

Fall Edition 2022
Click here to View Journal for the Soul

This semester we have been working on writing short stories, six-word memoirs, and building fantasy worlds through poetry and prose. The creative writing class hopes that you have fun reading these pieces. Maybe you would like to submit some creative things of your own after you see how fun it is to read our publication! Stop by room 216 for more information OR join our Google Classroom with the following code: cbwzlj7. (Teachers and staff, we’d like to see your work too!) We are looking for art, photography, poetry, and stories for the December issue! -Mrs. K