There is no school Friday, February 14 due to Teachers Planning Day and no school Monday, February 17 due to President’s Day. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 18th.
No habrá clases el viernes 14 de febrero debido al Día de planificación de los maestros y no habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero debido al Día del presidente. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes.
Ngày mai thứ sáu, ngày 14 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày lập kế hoạch của giáo viên và thứ hai, ngày 17 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày của Tổng thống. Học sinh sẽ trở lại trường vào thứ ba.

Students recognized for success in ALHS College and Career Academies.

Posted February 2, 2023

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Abraham Lincoln High School’s College and Career Academies are positioned to offer students college credit and career experience during their high school years. All college credits earned are a guaranteed transfer to any college or university in Colorado. Currently, more than 200 students are benefiting from Advance Placement and Concurrent Enrollment Courses offered at Lincoln.

Congratulations to our students and families who attended the AP/CE Parent Information & Awards Night hosted by the College and Career Academies. We had a fantastic parent session starring 4 of our own Lancer Scholar Parents who discussed parenting and encouraging students to succeed in rigorous courses.


Most CE Courses completed for college credit in High School

  • Gradie Kabeya: 7 courses, 24 credits total
  • Maritza Banuelos-Villagranos: 7 courses, 25 credits total

Most AP Courses

  • Lidia Hernandez-Leanos: 4 AP courses

10th Graders Who Earned College Credit for a CE Course

  • Martin Acosta-Felix
  • Junior Chavez-Flores
  • Crishawn Curry
  • Evony Fields
  • Andy Loya-Rodriguez
  • Zirina Luong-Dinh
  • Amelia Miranda-Escobedo
  • Janeth Montelongo-Madera
  • Izaiah Randall
  • Casy Truong

All A’s in 3 or more CE Courses

  • Citlali Hernandez-Arizpe: 3 classes
  • Aylin Garza-Saucedo: 4 classes
  • Monica Solis-Ochoa: 4 classes

All A’s & B’s in 3 or more CE Courses

Perla Banuelos-Barrios
Brenda Barretero
Isaac Chacon-Pacheco
Michael Herrera
Sunita Juarez
Bretzaida Perez-Martinez
Melanie Vazquez
Ricardo Villasenor-Ruelas
Juan Luna
Zirina Luong-Dinh
Drue Montoya
Hazel Ochoa-Lemus: 5 CE Classes

Learn more about Lincoln High School’s College and Career Academies: