There is no school Friday, February 14 due to Teachers Planning Day and no school Monday, February 17 due to President’s Day. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 18th.
No habrá clases el viernes 14 de febrero debido al Día de planificación de los maestros y no habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero debido al Día del presidente. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes.
Ngày mai thứ sáu, ngày 14 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày lập kế hoạch của giáo viên và thứ hai, ngày 17 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày của Tổng thống. Học sinh sẽ trở lại trường vào thứ ba.

Lancer Robotics Invited to Regionals after 2nd place overall BEST Award

Posted November 9, 2021

Robotics team posing with award

Lancers robotics competed in the Rocky Mountain BEST (Boosting Engineering Science Technology) robotics competition on Saturday. The team battled their way in the head to head competition making it to the wild card round. They took first place in the wild card allowing them to advance to the semi-finals where they placed seventh.

The big win came when they were recognized as the 2nd place overall BEST award recipients. They received a trophy and invitation to the Regional Competition. Only 3 teams from each hub are invited to Regionals.

2021 Lancers Robotics is led by Seniors Joel Angel-Solis, Joe Ontiveros-Rodriguez, and Eduardo Ramirez-Macias. Sophomore Gabe Herrera jumped into a leadership role with the marketing and promotion.

Team members helping to bring home Saturday’s trophy: Isaac Vigil, Cesar Samaniego-Martinez, Carlos Salas Grohmann, Jacob Lopez, Diego Cisneros, Erick Caraveo. 

Other team members not present Saturday but worked to build and market: Jared Anaya, Kevin Arzaga-Lobo, Juliana Castillo, Juan Castillo-Soriano, Trung Huynh, and Alan Navarro.

A big thank you to Elaine Giromini our Lincoln CTE Robotics Teacher for supporting our students though this awesome opportunity.

Students at robotics competition
Students at robotics competition