There is no school Friday, February 14 due to Teachers Planning Day and no school Monday, February 17 due to President’s Day. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 18th.
No habrá clases el viernes 14 de febrero debido al Día de planificación de los maestros y no habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero debido al Día del presidente. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes.
Ngày mai thứ sáu, ngày 14 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày lập kế hoạch của giáo viên và thứ hai, ngày 17 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày của Tổng thống. Học sinh sẽ trở lại trường vào thứ ba.

Important Message from Esquibel

Posted May 13, 2024

Sigue En Español

Dear Abraham Lincoln High School Families,

With very mixed emotions, I am informing you that I accepted the opportunity to become the new Executive Director of Secondary Education for the next school year. This means you will have a new principal for the 2024-2025 school year.  I will be leading all the DPS high schools, middle schools and Pathway schools and am very excited for the new challenge and the hope to help our district and families in a larger capacity. 

The past five years, as your principal, have been an amazing journey for me both professionally and personally. For 27 years Lincoln has been my home in different capacities. I graduated from Lincoln, volunteered, taught, coached, was a Student Advisor and an Assistant Principal, then became Principal from 2005-2011. I returned again as Principal in 2019 and was very excited to be back. During the past five years we struggled through the COVID Pandemic and also created a new plan focused on our College and Career Academies to ensure all students will become life successful. 

I will be finishing out the school year here at Lincoln as your Principal. My heart and soul is here and always will be.  

Néstor Bravo will become the Interim Principal and will begin leading Lincoln next year. He started his teaching career at Lincoln and currently is the Principal at CMS Elementary School. I am highly confident in his leadership but more importantly in his character and high values as a person. He will continue with the mission of our school and will move our school to higher levels. 

Thank you Abraham Lincoln, for everything you have done for me. 

Always remember: Once A Lancer Always A Lancer!

Antonio Esquibel


Estimadas familias de la escuela secundaria Abraham Lincoln:

Con emociones muy encontradas les informo que acepté la oportunidad de ser el nuevo Director Ejecutivo de Educación Secundaria para el próximo año escolar. Esto significa que tendrá un nuevo director para el año escolar 2024-2025. Dirigiré todas las escuelas secundarias, intermedias y Pathway de DPS y estoy muy emocionado por el nuevo desafío y la esperanza de ayudar a nuestro distrito y a las familias en mayor medida.

Los últimos cinco años, como su directora, han sido un viaje increíble para mí tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Durante 27 años, Lincoln ha sido mi hogar en diferentes capacidades. Me gradué de Lincoln, fui voluntaria, enseñé, entrené, fui asesora estudiantil y subdirectora, luego me convertí en directora del 2005 al 2011. Regresé nuevamente como directora en 2019 y estaba muy emocionada de regresar. Durante los últimos cinco años luchamos contra la pandemia de COVID y también creamos un nuevo plan centrado en nuestras academias universitarias y profesionales para garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan éxito en la vida.

Terminaré el año escolar aquí en Lincoln como su directora. Mi corazón y mi alma están aquí y siempre estarán.

Néstor Bravo se convertirá en el director interino y comenzará a dirigir Lincoln el próximo año. Comenzó su carrera docente en Lincoln y actualmente es el director de la escuela primaria CMS. Tengo mucha confianza en su liderazgo pero, más importante aún, en su carácter y altos valores como persona. Él continuará con la misión de nuestra escuela y la llevará a niveles más altos.

Gracias Abraham Lincoln, por todo lo que has hecho por mí.

Recuerde siempre: ¡Una vez un Lancer, siempre un Lancer!

Antonio Esquibel
