Posted October 12, 2022
On Tuesday, October 18th Abraham Lincoln High School students will be exploring the different College and Career Academies here at Lincoln. All of our students will be in attendance from 8:25am-11:45am.
All students at Lincoln graduate college and career ready, on path to earning 12 college credits, industry experience, certification, or an Associate’s Degree.
Grades 9-11 will understand the importance of how college and career both interact and benefit one another. The main purpose is for our students to make an initial choice as to which Academy will provide them with a strong pathway to graduation based on their experience from the morning events.
At the same time, our 12th graders will participate in our Senior Success Day where they will listen to and understand what different post secondary institutions can provide them and ultimately will apply to 3 post secondary institutions during the time.
Lincoln High School Graduates save nearly $20,000 in tuition after accessing Lincoln’s College and Career Academies.
Average starting salaries between $40,000 – $60,000 Financial opportunity for you and your family.
Abraham Lincoln High School will begin offering Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) for the 2021-22 school year. P-TECH gives students a head start on college through work-based experiences in real-world businesses. The Abraham Lincoln High School P-TECH Business Academy will focus on students who are interested in business and wish to pursue a two- or four-year college degree. Lincoln is the Only P-Tech Business Academy in Denver Public Schools
Incoming 9th-grade students will be selected to participate in the program. Focus areas include work in finance and accounting, human resources, entrepreneurship, information technology, management & more. The P-TECH Academy offers college-level courses through the Community College of Denver and culminates in an Associate’s Degree earned in grades 13 and 14 at Abraham Lincoln. P-TECH is made possible through a partnership between Community College of Denver, Microsoft©, Pinnacol Assurance© and Denver Public School’s Finance.
Please visit our P-Tech website for more information.
“College Success” Academy allows students to explore a variety of Advance Placements and Concurrent Enrollment courses at Lincoln. Students can achieve up to 60 College Credits. Lincoln High School has more than 30 different CE and AP classes on our campus.
What is the Advanced Placement (AP)?
What is Concurrent Enrollment (CE)?
Concurrent enrollment allows students to earn free college credit while still in high school, giving them a head start on their college and career goals. Students gain exposure to the academic challenges of college while in their supportive high school environment or on a college campus, earning college and high school credits simultaneously.
Pathway to the Spanish Minor
MSU Denver Department and Denver Public Schools partner to offer a pathway toward a minor in Spanish (five out of seven required courses) to concurrent enrollment students. Three of these five courses are offered on-site at participating high schools and are taught by a qualified high school instructor. Students may receive equivalent college credit for two to five Spanish courses with Advanced Placement (AP) and/or the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and meet prerequisites for subsequent Spanish courses.
All students at Lincoln graduate college and career ready, on path to earning 12 college credits, industry experience, certification or an associates degree.
Please visit CareerConnect for more information on the program!
9th Grade Connect Academy begins one week earlier and is filled with FUN activities to acclimate students to the high school environment. Grade 9 will receive their first high school academic elective credit for attending 9th GCA.