Category: News

Course Selection for Students Feb 23rd

Hello Students! Next Thursday (2.23.23) you will be selecting your courses for next school year (SY 23-24). Below is an advising document that outlines the three academies at Lincoln and the courses available for each academy. It also lists theContinue Reading

Limited Parking in the Southeast Student Parking Lot Feb 10th

Sigue en Español Hello Lancer Families and Students, This is a notification to let you know that Lincoln’s Southeast student Parking lot will have limited space for students on Friday, Feb 10th. Lincoln High School will be hosting the endContinue Reading

Students recognized for success in ALHS College and Career Academies.

Lea en Español Abraham Lincoln High School’s College and Career Academies are positioned to offer students college credit and career experience during their high school years. All college credits earned are a guaranteed transfer to any college or university inContinue Reading

ALHS Sporter qualified for the Army JROTC National Championship

ALHS Sporter Air Rifle Team qualified for the Army JROTC National Championship in Camp Perry, Ohio. The team consists of: Daisy C. 12th grade Silvia C. 11th grade Laura G. 10th grade Juan L. 11th grade Gabriel L. 9th gradeContinue Reading

Lincoln Earns College Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award

For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 19th, 2023 DENVER – Abraham Lincoln High School has earned the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achieving high female representation in AP Computer Science Principles. Schools honored with this award have expanded girls’Continue Reading

Platica y Cafe

Martes, 17 de enero -Platica y Café: Las familias están invitadas a Lincoln H.S para tomar un café con Jossie. Esta reunión es cada tercer martes de cada mes. Tuesday, January 17th – Coffee & Chat: Families are invited to Lincoln H.S forContinue Reading

Read Principal Esquibel’s Second Semester Letter

P-Tech Business Academy Shark Tank Winners Announced

Congratulations to our P-Tech Business Academy Shark Tank winners.David Ruben Rivera with “RMXG Designs” Pitched the business idea for affordable decals/stickers for dirt bikes.Camila Tamayo with “Beans Bracelets” Pitched the business idea to create mal de ojo bracelets.This week ourContinue Reading

Winter Sports have officially Started

Check out the winter Sport Schedules for all Varsity Teams. Click the link to view the schedules. View the 2022-2023 CHSAA Calendar.

Color us for Dia de Los Muertos

We are inviting Elementary and Middle School Students to participate in our Coloring Contest the Week of Oct 27th. A team member from Lincoln would pick up the drawings from your school. On Wednesday, Nov 1st after 12 pm. AllContinue Reading

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