There is no school Friday, February 14 due to Teachers Planning Day and no school Monday, February 17 due to President’s Day. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 18th.
No habrá clases el viernes 14 de febrero debido al Día de planificación de los maestros y no habrá clases el lunes 17 de febrero debido al Día del presidente. Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela el martes.
Ngày mai thứ sáu, ngày 14 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày lập kế hoạch của giáo viên và thứ hai, ngày 17 tháng 2 sẽ không có trường học do Ngày của Tổng thống. Học sinh sẽ trở lại trường vào thứ ba.

Lancer Connect for January 29th

Posted January 30, 2025

Lancer Connect for January 29
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Lancer Family Teacher Spring Conferences 

1st grading period Lancer Family Conference, Thursday, February 13th, 4:30-7:30 pm

2nd grading period Lancer Family Conference, Tuesday, April 8th, 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Families are expected to attend BOTH conferences to best support their student work!

We are excited to introduce two Lancer Family Conference dates this semester that intentionally align with the grading periods. This change ensures that parents, students, and teachers have timely opportunities to discuss their student’s academic progress and set goals for success in advance of the end of the grading period. We value your involvement in your child’s education and are excited to invite you to our upcoming Lancer Family Teacher Conferences!

1st 6-Week Conference Overview, Thursday, February 13th 4:30-7:30 pm

  • Review current grades and academic performance with teachers
  • Discuss opportunities to improve grades this 1st grading period ending on 2/21
  • Goal setting for the 2nd grading period
  • Behavior & Attendance Expectations
  • Community Resource Fair, Main Hall
  • Create Parent Portal accounts & update emergency contact information, Family Engagement Table
  • Attend a required parent meeting (P-TECH 10th / 11th Grades & Senior Meeting)

Lancer Family Teacher Conference Schedule :

  • 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Free Community Vaccination Clinic, CDPHE, Cafeteria Click HERE to pre-register
  • 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Check in for all events, Main Hall
  • 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Lancer Family Teacher Conferences, 1st & 2nd Floors
  • 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm P-TECH Business Academy 10th & 11th Grade Parent Meeting, Community Room
  • 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm Class of 2025 Senior Parent Meeting. 6-6:45 pm, Community Room
Click here to learn more about conferences

Important Dates:

Friday, January 31 | Winter 2025 Pep Rally
Students will follow an adjusted schedule for the pep rally and attend the pep rally with their period 7 class.
Tuesday, February 4th. 3-7pm. | CLASS OF 2025 Financial Aid Workshop.
1-HR time slots available click here to book an appointment:  or call Ms. Loya at 720-420-3783.
Thursday, February 13  | 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm P-TECH Business Academy 10th & 11th Grade Parent Meeting, Community Room
Thursday, February 13  | 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm Class of 2025 Senior Parent Meeting. 6-6:45 pm, Community Room
Friday, February 14  | (No School for students) Teacher Planning Day
Monday, February 17  | (No School) President’s Day
Tuesday, February 18  | Students return to school

The Lincoln Way

“From Student to Math Teacher” 

In this episode of the LEADERboard, Mr. Bravo sits down with Ms.Garcia-Moreno, a math teacher at Abraham Lincoln High School.

Click Here To Watch

Congratulations to Ms. Curry’s Students for winning awards in the prestigious STATE WIDE Art Competition; Scholastics!

Exciting Changes to Lancer Family and Tutorial Hour in Semester Two!

As we move into the second semester, our Lancer Family (Wednesdays) and Tutorial (Thursdays) hour will focus on preparing students in grades 9 through 11 for success on the PSAT and SAT.  By emphasizing college readiness and working to improve individual performance, we aim to raise our overall PSAT and SAT scores as a school, showcasing the academic growth and achievement of our students.

PSAT and SAT Testing Day is Scheduled for 

Wednesday, April 16h, 2025

Students will follow the same bell schedule as semester 1. Click here to view the Weekly Bell Schedule:

Students are required to bring their Computers for the PSAT Ready Sessions.


This past Saturday, Abraham Lincoln High School proudly hosted the 40th Annual Les Mattocks Wrestling Tournament, and it was nothing short of spectacular! With 35 teams from across Colorado competing, the gym buzzed with energy, determination, and outstanding athleticism.

We want to thank every athlete, coach, and supporter who made this milestone event a huge success. A special congratulations to our Lincoln wrestlers, including Jordan Romero who achieved his 100th career win during the tournament – an incredible accomplishment that reflects his hard work and dedication.

The tournament continues to honor the legacy of Les Mattocks, whose contributions to Colorado wrestling remain unmatched. His commitment to shaping student-athletes and fostering a love for the sport inspires us to this day.

Here’s to 40 years of tradition and many more to come. Thank you for being part of this celebration of talent, teamwork, and the wrestling community. se the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.


Our Neighbors at Movimiento Poder are hosting a “know your rights” workshop.
Saturday, February 1st at 9 am – 11:30 am

🔗 Make sure to click the link to register:

Early Release Days (Every Thursday) 1:25 pm

Every Thursday: Students get dismissed at 1:25 pm. Lunch is offered from 1:25-2:10pm.

Do you have any Questions about this school year?
Email your questions to

Click here to Fill out the Non-Emergency Mental Health Referral Form:


Conferencias de primavera con maestros

Primera conferencia con maestros, jueves 13 de febrero, de 4:30 a 7:30 pm

Segunda conferencia con maestros, martes 8 de abril, de 4:30 a 7:30 pm.

¡Se espera que las familias asistan a AMBAS conferencias para apoyar mejor el trabajo de sus estudiantes!

Nos complace presentar dos fechas de conferencias familiares para este semestre que se alinean intencionalmente con los períodos de calificación. Este cambio garantiza que los padres, estudiantes y maestros tengan oportunidades oportunas para analizar el progreso académico de sus estudiantes y establecer metas para el éxito antes del final del período de calificación. Valoramos su participación en la educación de su hijo y estamos emocionados de invitarlo a nuestras próximas conferencias familiares de maestros de Lancer.

Resumen de la primera conferencia de seis semanas, jueves 13 de febrero, de 4:30 a 7:30pm

  • Revisar las calificaciones actuales y el desempeño académico con los docentes.
  • Analice las oportunidades para mejorar las calificaciones en este primer período de calificaciónes
  • Establecimiento de objetivos para el segundo período de calificación
  • Expectativas de conducta y asistencia
  • Feria de recursos comunitarios, salón principal
  • Cree cuentas en el Portal para padres y actualice la información de contacto de emergencia, Tabla de participación familiar
  • Asistir a una reunión de padres obligatoria (reunión de P-TECH de 10 y 11 grado y de grado 12

Horario de las Conferencias:

  • 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm Clínica de vacunación comunitaria gratuita, CDPHE, Cafetería
  • 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Check in para todos los eventos, Salón Principal
  • 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm Conferencias de maestros en el, 1er y 2do piso
  • 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm Reunión de padres de 10 y 11 grado de P-TECH Business Academy, sala comunitaria
  • 6:00 pm. a 6:45 pm. Reunión de padres de alumnos de último año de la clase de 2025. 6:00 pm. a 6:45 pm, Salón Comunitario.

Fechas Importantes:

Viernes 31 de enero | Reunión de motivación de invierno de 2025
Los estudiantes seguirán un horario adaptado para la reunión de motivación y asistirán a ella con su clase del período 7.
Martes 4 de febrero. 3-7pm. | Taller de ayuda financiera CLASE DE 2025.
Horarios disponibles de 1 hora. Haga clic aquí para reservar una cita: o llame a la Sra. Loya al 720-420-3783.
Jueves 13 de febrero | 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm Reunión de padres de 10 y 11 grado de P-TECH Business Academy, salon comunitaria
Jueves 13 de febrero | 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm Reunión de padres de alumnos  de la clase de 2025. 6-6:45 pm, salon comunitaria.
Viernes 14 de febrero | (No hay clases para los estudiantes) Día de planificación para maestros
Lunes 17 de febrero | (No hay clases) Día de los Presidentes
Martes 18 de febrero | Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela

La Manera De Lincoln

El programa de Tenis para chicas en Lincoln a regresado!

“De estudiante a profesor de matemáticas”

En este episodio de LEADERboard, el Sr. Bravo se sienta con la Sra. García-Moreno, profesora de matemáticas en la escuela secundaria Abraham Lincoln.

Haga clic aquí para mirar

¡Felicitaciones a los estudiantes de la Sra. Curry por ganar premios en el prestigioso Concurso de Arte ESTATAL; Scholastics!
¡Cambios emocionantes en la hora de tutoría y de familia Lancer en el segundo semestre!

A medida que avanzamos hacia el segundo semestre, nuestra hora de tutoría y Lancer family (miércoles) se centrará en preparar a los estudiantes de 9. a 11. grado para el éxito en el PSAT y el SAT. Al enfatizar la preparación para la universidad y trabajar para mejorar el desempeño individual, nuestro objetivo es aumentar nuestros puntajes generales en el PSAT y el SAT como escuela, mostrando el crecimiento y el logro académico de nuestros estudiantes.

El día de las pruebas PSAT y SAT está programado para el

miércoles 16 de abril de 2025

Los estudiantes seguirán el mismo horario de clases que en el primer semestre. Haga clic aquí para ver el horario de clases semanal:

Los estudiantes deben traer sus computadoras para las sesiones de preparación para el PSAT.


This past Saturday, Abraham Lincoln High School proudly hosted the 40th Annual Les Mattocks Wrestling Tournament, and it was nothing short of spectacular! With 35 teams from across Colorado competing, the gym buzzed with energy, determination, and outstanding athleticism.

We want to thank every athlete, coach, and supporter who made this milestone event a huge success. A special congratulations to our Lincoln wrestlers, including Jordan Romero who achieved his 100th career win during the tournament – an incredible accomplishment that reflects his hard work and dedication.

The tournament continues to honor the legacy of Les Mattocks, whose contributions to Colorado wrestling remain unmatched. His commitment to shaping student-athletes and fostering a love for the sport inspires us to this day.

Here’s to 40 years of tradition and many more to come. Thank you for being part of this celebration of talent, teamwork, and the wrestling community. se the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.


Nuestros vecinos de Movimiento Poder están organizando un taller para “conocer sus derechos”.
Sábado 1 de febrero de 9 a. m. a 11:30 a. m.

Asegúrese de hacer clic en el enlace para registrarse:

Días de salida temprana (todos los jueves) 1:25 p.m.

Todos los jueves: los estudiantes salen de la escuela a la 1:25 p. m. El almuerzo se ofrece de 1:25 a 2:10 p. m.

¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre este año escolar?

Envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a
Haga clic aquí para completar el formulario de derivación de salud mental que no es de emergencia:
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